What is SKO?
Shotokan Karate-Do International (SKO) is an organization officially registered with the Dutch KBN Federation, which in turn is registered with the WKF International Federation.
It is an official international non-profit organization registered in the Kingdom of the Netherlands in 2021 under number 84407468. It works with all karate organisations, federations and schools within and outside the Netherlands and with the official approval of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The aim is to develop karate at the national and international level by organizing tournaments, training courses and everything that is legally possible to develop karate. This is where you can officially join the organization and thus take the black black test according to the terms and conditions of the organization. . After successfully passing the test curriculum, you can also receive the approval of the SKO organization to open a branch in your country after the approval of the main organization, and after successfully passing the test, you can receive the official international certificate as an instructor from the SKO organization. Curriculum for instructors.
The aim of the Shotokan Karate-Do International Organization is to develop karate, cooperate with all karate institutions in the world and raise the technical level of karate.
Shotokan Karate-do International Organization is an organization with roots in ancient and modern Japanese karate. He is an active member of Japanese karate organizations and participates in their championships. He is also a member of the Dutch Karate Federation (KBN). Participates in the activities of the World Karate Federation (WKF).
Through the Shotokan Karate-do International Organization, its members have more space and freedom of action to communicate with all karate organizations around the world, build bridges of trust and strengthen ties and relationships for the benefit of karate.
Shotokan Karate-Do International Organization has the right to approve the opening of its branches in all countries of the world in accordance with the applicable legislation and laws, and has the right to conduct land (Dan) examinations, issue certificates and grant grants. It transfers its powers to its branches in the countries according to the valid conditions.
Due to its geographical location in Europe, the Shotokan Karate-do International Organization is able to offer its members the latest scientific and practical developments taking place in the world of karate, such as the modernization of arbitration, the amendment of karate laws and developments in karate training. To convey karate practically or theoretically through existing communication tools and to keep you informed about the latest developments in the world of karate.
The Shotokan Karate-do International Organization assists its members in providing scientific, practical and theoretical advice in scientific research in karate.
Shotokan Karate-Do International Organization enables and facilitates the process of participation in all training courses and open tournaments around the world by providing general information such as date, city, conditions and type of tournament.
It is possible to participate in all events such as training camps and tournaments organized by the Shotokan Karate-Do Organization, according to the conditions and laws of the organization.
It also gives the freedom to expand to other federations and countries, encouraging members and players to continue training and increase the number of players in the gyms.
What is SKO Türkiye?
SKO Shotokan Karate-Do Turkey Branch is a licensed sports organization and has official authority from the Board of Directors of the parent organization with the registration number 9193-33 dated 23.11.2023.
It consists of public interest clubs, sports and youth centers specialized and responsible for the sport of Shotokan style karate. It is a branch of the main organization and federation based in the Netherlands. SKO Turkey Branch is an athlete group consisting of a president, vice-president, secretary and two members, whose mission is to legislate and organize all karate sports events at the level of the Republic of Turkey and liberated Northern Syria.
SKO Türkiye branch was officially announced on 01/01/2024.
The representative and president of SKO in Turkey is the legislative head of the branch in the country participating in the International SKO Federation and is appointed by the main Board of Directors of SKO in the Netherlands.
He is responsible for allowing the opening of SKO Shotokan Karate-Do International branches in Turkey and participation in local and international SKO Karate Championships. He is the official head coach of the Shotokan Karate-Do International Organization (SKO) in the Republic of Turkey and liberated Northern Syria. He is responsible for the observance and implementation of the goals of the Shotokan Karate-Do International Organization (SKO). Terms and conditions of the Shotokan Karate-Do International Organization in the Republic of Turkey and liberated Northern Syria. Dan Kara is responsible and has the right to conduct Black exams and Kyu exams in the Republic of Turkey and the liberated north of Syria or from outside Turkey with the permission of the parent organization in branches affiliated with the Turkish branch.